South West Hertfordshire Joint Strategic Plan (JSP)

The five councils that make up South West Hertfordshire are working together to produce a Joint Strategic Plan (JSP).  This plan will address some of the biggest issues and challenges facing the area to 2050.  The councils are Dacorum Borough, Hertsmere Borough, St Albans City and District, Three Rivers District and Watford Borough, supported by Hertfordshire County Council.

The plan will create a vision for South West Hertfordshire, setting out the priorities for the area, ensuring transport, education and healthcare infrastructure is co-ordinated and ensure new homes and jobs are delivered in the right places.

What is this consultation about?

The ‘Realising our Potential’ document marks our first formal consultation as we begin preparation of the JSP.  We are asking for feedback on a draft vision and objectives for the area, and for views on some very high level growth types we could consider.  We are not asking about specific development sites, or asking for views on housing or jobs numbers at this early stage in the plan preparation process. This ‘Realising our Potential’ document is accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report which we are also inviting comments on.

How can I comment?

The consultation begins on Monday 5th September and comments must reach us by 5pm on 4th November 2022.

We are encouraging residents to submit their comments online at, where all of the consultation material is available to view. Hard copies of the consultation documents are also being held at local libraries and at your local borough / district main council office reception.

If you do not wish to submit your comments using the online consultation platform, please see our website for the postal and email address to use when submitting comments.

You may also receive a duplicate notification about this consultation direct from our website, if you have directly registered on that system.

How can I find out more?

We have prepared some FAQs which should answer any questions you may have about this consultation and the JSP more broadly.  These are available on our website.