
All Correspondence and inquiries to : clerk@southmimmsridge.org.uk

Facebook Page: South Mimms & Ridge Parish Council (information only)

Welcome to the  South Mimms & Ridge Parish Council website where you will be able to find out more about us, what we do and how to get help with lots of things.

Many day-to-day issues like fallen trees or broken pavements need to be reported to Hertsmere Borough or Hertfordshire County Council, so the fastest way to get things fixed is to CLICK HERE use the Report It feature on the Hertsmere website, please contact us if you have any issues using this system.

Our play areas are also maintained by Hertsmere, but feel free to email us if there is an urgent Health & Safety issue you are concerned about.

Please do contact us if you have questions concerning the work of the Parish Council, if you have any general concerns or village news that you feel the Parish Council should be aware of or, of course, where SM&RPC can help or support you. SM&RPC acts as the voice of the local residents regarding Borough and County wide issues.

Our councilors are elected volunteers, so please remember that they are serving the community for free and put in lots of hours of effort.

Our Clerk is Natalie Curran, she does not live in either village and only works for us on Mondays and Fridays, and the resworks t of the week she is at University of Hertfordshire, so the best way to reached her is by email on clerk@southmimmsridge.org.uk . Or text on 07538 174780 (office / reasonable hours please!) and she will call you back as soon as possible .

Our About page gives some history as to why the the Parish Council was set up. Please use the other menu options above to explore the site in more detail. The sidebar to the right links to news, updates and external resources that you may find of interest – the area has lots of history!