Unfortunately the Public Inquiry into the planning breaches by Paving Solutions and Groundwork Ltd (Pavingsolutions.co.uk) that was due to take place on 10th August have been granted a postponement – with a tentative date of now 11th January 2022.
Many residents of South Mimms have suffered appalling dust and noise pollution from this site over the last few years. It is believed that the operators of the site, which is next to Romani House on Blanch Lane, was denied a license to operate HGVs from the site, as well as not having planning permission to operate an industrial company on the site, having cleared all the original trees and shrubs. Ironically, Paving Solutions and Groundworks Ltd state on their website that their” services are underpinned by superior health and safety compliance and quality standards” – even though the heath of local residence of South Mimms is being badly impacted.
Because the Public Enquiry has been delayed there is now more time for residents to send evidence and statements to the planning inspectorate at teame1@planninginspectorate.gov.uk quoting their reference number; APP/N1920/C/20/3260982 – Land adjacent to Romani, EN6 3PP, explaining how they have been effected by the dust entering their gardens and homes, as well as being woken by the pounding of aggregates.
There is also the opportunity to speak at the inquiry if interested. To be able to do so you need to notify Hertsmere Council and the Planning Inspectorate and forward your statement/proof of evidence to the Planning Inspectorate at least 2 weeks before the inquiry date.
Further information can be found here: Guide to Rule 6 for interested parties involved in an inquiry – planning appeals and called-in applications – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)”